Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Live and Love

Who has ever had a crush? Well let me tell ya I have had several before and boys suck! If you just sit around and wait the right one will come eventually but don't go looking for him. If you go look for him you'll find him...or so you think....until they decide your not pretty anymore and run away to find another pretty face. Now not all guys are like this so don't go around hating every guy, but if you get treated like this ignore them and move on. It may be hard to move on yes but it will be worth it trust me. Leave a comment if you need any advice :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Music to me ears

One thing I have is a passion for music. I play instruments such as the violin and piano. I don't play violin anymore but I did for a while and quite enjoyed it. I can't actually read music for piano either but I am pretty good. I play by ear, this means that you listen to a song and figure out how to play it on your own. I also get allot of helpful tips from But the thing I love to do most of all is singing. Singing is my passion and I would love to become famous one day. I am in school choir and have been to quite a few festivals for singing. Do you like to sing or play an instrument? If not what are some of your hobbies and passions? Drop me a comment.

Food or Abomination

School Lunch Food
So disgusting who would ever eat this crud?! Our school lunches are so nasty, they are usually either frozen or overcooked. Who wants to eat a frozen uncrustable? Not me...especially when it's either that or some unknown mush! How are your school lunches? Drop me a comment and let me know :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Literary Analysis

Does anyone really understand how to write a literary analysis??? I do not like these at all! leave your comments here with your opinion :D